Ioana Preda

Certified Transactional Analyst in the field of Psychotherapy (CTA-P)

Ioana is a Certified Transactional Analyst in Psychotherapy, with over 10 years of experience in Romania and the United Kingdom, working for the National Health System, local charities and the private sector. Living and working abroad has been in itself an unknown and difficult territory, yet also filled with invaluable exposure and direct experience of human diversity. Ioana works affirmatively with people of various religions and cultures, sexual orientations and gender identities.

She has specialised in working with clients who have experienced early relational trauma, discrimination and physical and sexual abuse. Last year she began her formal training in AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), which is a contemporary method of psychotherapy that draws its effectiveness from integrating attachment theory with the latest neuro-bio-psychological findings in the field of interpresonal relations and the development of the mind.

Everyday she witnesses the healing and transformative power of shared, experiential encounters, whether she is a therapist, a client, daughter or friend. She’s excited to be back home and is looking forward to the Conference!

Activities delivered by Ioana Preda:
"Therapeutic Presence: when Science Meets Art" (Conference: Sunday, October 27th, 11.30 - 13.15)