Cristina Petrescu is a senior psychologist in clinical psychology, a psychotherapist in Transactional Analysis (CTA), a provisional trainer and supervisor in TA (PTSTA), a member of ARAT since 2000. She carries out her activity according to the specializations mentioned in the Individual Office of Psychology Petrescu Cristina, in Timișoara. She is a primary Hygiene doctor and an Associate Professor at the “Victor Babeș”, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timișoara. The two professions she carries out, Preventive Medicine and Psychology, interrelate, support each other and offer her, respecting the boundaries, professional fulfilment and personal development.
"Supervision sessions (TSTA preparation)" (Conference: Saturday, October 26th, 16.00 - 18.00)
"Vitality Lost and Found in Depression: a Relational TA Approach" (Conference: Sunday, October 27th, 11.30 - 13.15)