Maria Bran is a psychotherapist certified by EATA in Rome in 2015, recognized by the Romanian College of Psychologists, trainers and supervisor under supervision in TA, registered with EATA since January 2017 and with RCP since 2018. She has 16 years experience in TA and has been working with clients for 11 years. She is interested in the impact of discoveries in neuroscience on the life script, and uses the relational approach in her work as a psychotherapist. She graduated the Faculty of Pediatrics in 1987 and worked as a pediatrician until 1999, then as a general practitioner until the present. As a physician, she could identify connections between the belief system of a family and the effects on children, often expressed through somatic illnesses and/or neuropsychological disorders. The step forward for her was to understand that often children react normally to an abnormal situation.
"The History of European Philosophy and the Life Script" (Conference: Saturday, October 26th, 14.00 - 15.45)
"Supervision sessions (TSTA preparation)" (Conference: Saturday, October 26th, 16.00 - 18.00)