Daniela Simache is a supervisor in clinical psychology, CNFPA trainer, and trainer in the field of addiction prevention and treatment. She has delivered training in cognitive-behavioural therapy, gestalt therapy, and integrative therapy.
She works with adolescents and adults in individual, couple and group settings.
She has 20 years experience as a psychologist within NGOs, in the public healthcare system, and in private practice, as well as 15 years experience in research and 5 years as a university teaching assistant. She is a doctor in psychology with the thesis “Communication aspects in young drug users” (2009), and author (single or in collaboration) of several papers on communication and social integration, alternative education, marginalization, and deviance. In 2008 she established the Esential Psy clinic, together with Sorina Vrană.
She has been a member of the TA community since 2002. She participated in various activities and projects of the association, such as the National Exhibitions for Psychology 2005 – 2007, national conferences, the Professional Committee of ARAT, she represented ARAT at the Professional Committee of FRP, she participated in the ARAT Summit 1.0.
Her style of work is based on the principles of relational TA and on the redecision school. Her professional practice is focused on increasing awareness of autonomy and the capacity for self-determination of every person. She considers vitality as a natural manifestation of the energy which one has, discovers, or can generate for oneself.
"From Dependency to Autonomy. Where Is the Energy?" (Conference: Saturday, October 26th, 14.00 - 15.45)