Alina Rus is a certified transactional analyst in psychotherapy (CTA-P), trainer and supervisor under supervision (PTSTA-P), founding member of the Romanian Association for Transactional Analysis (2000), and has been working in private practice since 2007. Since 1996, she has been working in the Centre for Educational Resources and Assistance “Speranța” in Timișoara, as a special education psychologist. She has been involved in education projects for violence prevention, fighting gender stereotypes, conflict management skills development for school mediators.
Since 2018, she has been a part of the trainers team of the Physis Centre in Timisoara, where she delivers TA training. She has participated in the activity ARAT as a member of the board, by coordinating the publication of several TA books in Romanian, by growing the association’s library, and as an organiser of several national TA conferences and of the EATA conference in 2004.
"Activating Inner Resources in Facilitating Change" (Conference: Sunday, October 27th, 11.30 - 13.15)
"Round table: "Lost and Found - Vitality in Communities"" (Conference: Saturday, October 26th, 11.00 - 12.30)